Wednesday 18 July 2012

Deck Profile: Monster Mash

Monster Mash is a concept that was made in the TCG, and has been now adopted into LCCG. The deck runs 40 cards, all of which are monsters. Most variants of this deck in the TCG are Chaos, and the LCCG version of Monster Mash, is a Chaos build as well. So now that you know about the deck and a little bit of insight on what it will be about, here is the list followed by some explanations.

1|Acrd|Vainglorious Kimiara
3|Enil|Savior Soldier
3|Ww3|Deep Chaos Dragon
3|Anv1|Goetia Conjuror
2|Flfs|Ghost Lanturn
3|Dirb|Eccentric Electron
3|Clpc|Nox Exploiter
2|Clpc|Nox Deceiver
3|Anv1|Keeper of the Arsenal
3|Dirb|Lazer Bow
3|Nwor|Reaper- Doomcore
3|Dirb|Ancient Arthropod
2|Acrd|Chaos Dragon
2|Res1|Luminous Knight
2|Anv1|Preacher of Justice
1|Clpc|Flash Serpent
1|Anv1|Red Moon Rabisu

1|Ww3|Chaos End Dragon
2|Ww3|RT-67 Gadgetron
2|Anv1|Shameful Artist
1|Res1|Rainbow Tail
1|Anv1|Monster of the Maelstrom
2|Nasb|Mezzo Beat
1|Dirb|Fiend Solider
2|Flfs|Dragon of Life - Dawn
1|Dirb|Dark Swordlord
2|Flfs|Rumbler Tumbler

Side Deck

3|Anv1|Isis's Last Wish
2|Anv1|Mirror Wall
2|Dodm|Underworld Seal
2|Ww3|Eccentric Proton
2|Nasb|Interdimensional Treaty
2|Dirb|Scrap Destruction
2|Nasb|Splitting Cut

40 Monsters, 0 Spell/Trap Cards, 15 Extra Deck Cards, 15 Side Deck Cards

You play 7 “boss monsters” in the main deck, being your Vainglorious Kimiara and Deep Chaos Dragon, plus your hand trap Savior Soldier. Vainglorious Kimiara is a great card, as it can tutor the type, effect and attribute of a monster you removed from play. This can be very deadly late game if you have a Deep Chaos Dragon or Chaos Dragon, as you can start hitting their hand (Deep Chaos Dragon) or bouncing their field presence (Chaos Dragon). Deep Chaos Dragon is a very easy monster to get out in this deck, as your graveyard is usually full with LIGHT and DARK monsters. Both effects are very deadly as well. If you banish a LIGHT monster, you get to see a card in your opponent’s hand, with a chance at it being discarded. If you banish a DARK, you get a LIGHT monster that you banished earlier. The card is extremely good and is the main focus of the deck. Savior Soldier, being a hand trap, can provide some field presence in a time of need if your deck’s combos are going slowly.

Next you play the Goetia Conjurer and Ghost Lanturn engine. Goetia works like Keeper of the Arsenal in a way, but only targets Fiend-Type monsters. The tuner you could search for would be Ghost Lanturn if it tributes itself, which can be very useful. Nox Deceiver is also a card it can target, which can set a monster your opponent controls and than most likely, run it over. The engine is great as it can quickly search out tuners for Synchros, and outs to cards if they are needed.

Then there are the hand traps of the deck: Eccentric Electron and Nox Exploiter. We all know and love Electron, for its ability to negate monster effects, which is really important against some decks that abuse the effects of their monsters. Nox Exploiter works like Book of Moon, as it sets a monster face-down. This can be very effect against decks the synchro/xyz a lot, as it can stop there plays and leave them with an awkward field.

Keeper of the Arsenal is another important card to the deck. With its ability to turn cards into mini-Lonefire Blosssoms, it provides big problems for the opposing duellist. Lazer Bow is another amazing card that monster mash boasts. With its ability to go off 100% of the time, Synchros become a much easier feat to achieve in this deck. It can also be used with Keeper of the Arsenal to bring out another level 4 monster if you wanted to get an RT-67 Gadgetron.

Ancient Arthropod is the decks ‘niche’ card. Since you run no Spell cards in this deck, its effect always live. The discarding cards can be very pesky for your opponent as you might begin to make the discard the outs to your cards. Also, when you remove Red Moon Rabisu with Deep Chaos Dragon, he comes back during your next Standby Phase which can be pretty useful for the decks plays. Chaos Dragon also brings a Brionac like effect which bounces your opponent’s stuff and gets your cards like Reaper – Doomcore to the graveyard.

That is the main board. The Extra Deck is pretty standard. There is nothing really out of this world or different, only generic Synchros and Xyzs that you will see in most decks in this game.

In the side deck, you side into your spell and traps. Splitting Cut and Eccentric Proton counter the Fairy match-up, mainly their Space Clash Wave. Interdimensional Treaty and Scrap Destruction cover cards like Black Raven of the Grave that shut down your deck’s plays.  Underworld Seal shuts off your opponent’s graveyard, while keeping yours intact for your next turn. Mirror Wall negates traps for decks that abuse Transcending Curse cards and Isis’s Last Wish gives you a way to deal with big monsters if you are having trouble with them.

Another tip I need to stress is side out Ancient Arthropod. While he is a great ‘niche’ card, once you side in Spell Cards he becomes useless. This might sound redundant, but I feel like I need to mention it because it is important that you don’t run conflicting cards, unless the can co-exist (for example Royal Oppression in X-Sabers as you could flip it after you went off. It could be easily removed in case you needed to make other big plays. In this case, the spell cannot be removed from the graveyard to make Ancient Arthropod live again).

The deck is a lot of fun to play and use competitively. If you were to join a tournament with this deck, your side deck will be very important, because cards like Black Raven of the Grave can really hurt you. Don’t be afraid to side in Spell or Trap cards to counter those cards. I would recommend this deck to all of you to try out for yourselves.

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