Tuesday 17 July 2012

Card of the Week: Infestation Dracomancer

The very first Card of the Week is going to be a card made by yours truly, and is by far one of my favourites, both in playability and in plain coolness.
When this card is Normal Summoned; you can switch this card to Defense Position: Add 1 "Infestation Dracomancer" from your Deck to your hand.

Because who DOESN'T like Dragons? And Dracomancer is definitely one of the most combo-friendly ones around. When you put aside the mini self-Gadget effect or the potential to be a simple, yet thoroughly effective beatstick, it has a lot of good link-ups with almost everything around it. In it's own type, it has some huge bonuses - it is the only Level 4 or lower Dragon (hence Normal Summon-able) that can instantly be used to fit the Summoning requirements of Fafnir the Corrupt. Fafnir, at the cost of banishing a Dragon with 2000 or higher Atk, can Special Summon itself from the hand with a sizeable 2600 Atk body. Even better is that Fafnir can start eating cards from your opponents hand for a mere 1000 Life Points per turn. What makes Infestation Dracomancer so great in this, is that if you switched the original to Defense Position, you'll still have another in hand to make further use of!

Dracomancer also has a good friend in the form of Golden Wing Dragon. You can send a Golden Wing Dragon from your hand and a Dragon on your side of the field to the Graveyard to draw twice. A simple draw engine, but Dracomancer has some nifty perks that put it above other Dragons as draw fodder. The first is clear - the Dracomancer on field has probably brought another to your hand, allowing you to gain advantage from the combo rather than breaking even. However, perk number two can be quite upsetting for your opponent. The DARK Infestation Dracomancer and LIGHT Golden Wing Dragon means you have instant Chaos access. Deep Chaos Dragon is another Main Deck boss that most decks would give an arm and a leg to play, but Dracomancer goes a long way to making your Chaos boss live very quickly. Plus, if you have another DARK monster in your Grave, you can banish it to bring Golden Wing Dragon back from the beyond to your hand, ready to repeat the process again.

If you want to keep a steady stream of searching with Infestation Dracomancer, you could consider playing Cold Front Dragon. After playing your first copy and searching another, you can return the on-field Dracomancer to your Deck to Special Summon Cold Front Dragon from your hand, while ensuring that your in-hand Dracomancer has a target in Deck to bring back to your hand in your next turn. Or, if Cold Front Dragon hits the Graveyard and you draw into the returned Draco, you could always let Cold Front Special Summon your Draco, Normal Summon your in-hand copy, search Dracomancer No.3 and go straight for an Xyz Summon.

All-in-all, Infestation Dracomancer is a huge addition to a lot of Dragon decks. It's consistency, deck-thinning, beatdown and combo-friendly all in one package. Who doesn't love Dragons?


  1. Seattleite doesn't love dragons.


  2. seattleite is a fag.

    i even included cold front dragon to sway your opinion :(
